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House Floor Ticker Archive

07/29/08 8:25 PM

H.R. 6580:

to ensure the fair treatment of a member of the Armed Forces who is discharged from the Armed Forces, at the request of the member, pursuant to the Department of Defense policy permitting the early discharge of a member who is the only surviving child in a family in which the father or mother, or one or more siblings, served in the Armed Forces and, because of hazards incident to such service, was killed, died as a result of wounds, accident, or disease, is in a captured or missing in action status, or is permanently disabled, to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the dollar limitation on contributions to funeral trusts, and for other purposes

Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.

On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill Agreed to by voice vote.

07/29/08 8:07 PM

DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H.R. 6580.

Considered under suspension of the rules.

Mr. Kind moved to suspend the rules and pass the bill.

07/29/08 8:07 PM

H.R. 6560:

to establish an earned import allowance program under Public Law 109-53, and for other purposes

07/29/08 8:06 PM

Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.

On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill, as amended Agreed to by voice vote.

07/29/08 7:53 PM

DEBATE - The House resumed debate on H.R. 6560.

Ms. Castor filed a report from the Committee on Rules on H. Res. 1384.

07/29/08 7:53 PM

H.R. 6560:

to establish an earned import allowance program under Public Law 109-53, and for other purposes

07/29/08 7:45 PM

DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H.R. 6560.

Considered under suspension of the rules.

Mr. McDermott moved to suspend the rules and pass the bill, as amended.

07/29/08 7:45 PM

H. Res. 1332:

recognizing the importance of connecting foster youth to the workforce through internship programs, and encouraging employers to increase employment of former foster youth

At the conclusion of debate, the chair put the question on the motion to suspend the rules. Mr. Kline (MN) objected to the vote on the grounds that a quorum was not present. Further proceedings on the motion were postponed. The point of no quorum was withdrawn.

07/29/08 7:35 PM

DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H. Res. 1332.

Considered under suspension of the rules.

07/29/08 7:34 PM

Mr. Hare moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution.

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