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House Floor Ticker Archive

07/30/10 2:47 PM

DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H.Res. 1574, the Committee on the Whole proceeded with 20 minutes of debate on the Rahall amendment No. 1.

Amendment offered by Mr. Rahall.

07/30/10 2:47 PM

An amendment numbered 1 printed in Part B of House Report 111-582 to clarify certain provisisons in the bill and add various requirements.

07/30/10 2:04 PM

The Committee of the Whole rose informally and subsequently resumed its sitting.

07/30/10 1:13 PM

GENERAL DEBATE - The Committee of the Whole proceeded with one hour of general debate on H.R. 3534.

The Speaker designated the Honorable Jesse L. Jackson, Jr. to act as Chairman of the Committee.

House resolved itself into the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union pursuant to H. Res. 1574 and Rule XVIII.

07/30/10 1:12 PM

Rule provides for consideration of H.R. 3534 and H.R. 5851. General debate for H.R. 3534 shall be one hour. After general debate, the bill shall be considered for amendment under the five-minute rule. And, it shall be in order to consider as an original bill the amendment in the nature of a substitute printed in Part A of the report of the Committee on Rules accompanying the resolution. Notwithstanding clause 11 of rule XVIII, no amendment to that amendment in the nature of a substitute shall be in order except those printed in Part B of the report of the Committee on Rules. The rule also makes in order H.R. 5851. General debate for H.R. 5851 shall be limited to one hour and the bill is closed to amendments, with the exception of the amendment printed in part C of the report which is considered adopted.

Considered under the provisions of rule H. Res. 1574.

07/30/10 1:11 PM

SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT FILED - The Chair announced a supplemental report to H.R. 3534 has been filed pursuant to the authority granted by clause 3(a)(2) of rule 13. The supplemental report contains a statement regarding congressional earmarks, limited tax benefits, or limited tariff benefits in satisfaction of clause 9 or rule 21.

07/30/10 1:10 PM

POINT OF ORDER - Mr. Hastings (WA) stated that the bill and committee report violated the provisions of clause 9(a) rule XXI and was not in order for consideration. The Chair sustained the point of order.

07/30/10 1:10 PM

H.R. 5851:

to provide whistleblower protections to certain workers in the offshore oil and gas industry

07/30/10 1:09 PM

H.R. 5851:

to provide whistleblower protections to certain workers in the offshore oil and gas industry

07/30/10 1:09 PM

ORDER OF PROCEDURE - Mr. Rahall asked unanimous consent that, during proceedings today in the House and in the Committee of the Whole, the Chair be authorized to reduce to two minutes the minimum time for electronic voting on any question that otherwise could be subjected to five-minute voting under clause 8 or 9 or rule 20 or under clause 6 of rule 18.

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