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House Floor Ticker Archive

04/18/13 11:02 AM H.R. 624

An amendment, offered by Ms. Jackson Lee, numbered 12 printed in House Report 113-41 to clarifie that cyber security service providers need only provide information about cyber security incidents if they pose a threat to the government's information and protects individuals' private data from being accessed by the government solely because it is stored by a company that provides information services to a government agency.

04/18/13 11:02 AM H.R. 624

Amendment offered by Ms. Jackson Lee.

04/18/13 11:01 AM H.R. 624

On agreeing to the Barton amendment; Agreed to by voice vote.

04/18/13 10:55 AM H.R. 624

DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 164, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the Barton amendment No. 11.

04/18/13 10:55 AM H.R. 624

Amendment offered by Mr. Barton.

04/18/13 10:55 AM H.R. 624

An amendment, offered by Mr. Barton, numbered 11 printed in House Report 113-41 to clarify that companies sharing cyber threat information with other companies cannot treat this sharing relationship as a loophole to sell a consumer's personal information for a marketing purpose.

04/18/13 10:55 AM H.R. 624

An amendment, offered by Mr. Barton, numbered 11 printed in House Report 113-41 to clarifie that companies sharing cyber threat information with other companies cannot treat this sharing relationship as a loophole to sell a consumer's personal information for a marketing purpose.

04/18/13 10:55 AM H.R. 624

On agreeing to the Paulsen amendment; Agreed to by voice vote.

04/18/13 10:49 AM H.R. 624

DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 164, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the Paulsen amendment No. 10.

04/18/13 10:49 AM H.R. 624

An amendment, offered by Mr. Paulsen, numbered 10 printed in House Report 113-41 to establish the sense of congress that international cooperation should be encouraged where possible in regards to cyber security.

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