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House Floor Ticker Archive

06/20/13 11:22 AM H.R. 1947

DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 271, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 20 minutes of debate on the Goodlatte amendment No. 99.

06/20/13 11:22 AM H.R. 1947

An amendment, offered by Mr. Goodlatte, numbered 99 printed in Part B of House Report 113-117 to remove Subtitle D PART I--`DAIRY PRODUCER MA RGIN PROTECTION AND DAIRY MARKET STABILIZATION PROGRAMS' and replaces it with a new `Dairy Producer Margin Insurance Program'. The amendment provides dairy producers with the option to annually enroll in a new margin insurance program at levels of $4.00 and up to $8.00 in increments of fifty cents. Based on the highest annual of three previous calendar years of their milk marketings, dairy producers are allowed to elect their coverage level and the percentage of coverage up to 80% at the start of the program and annually thereafter. Dairy producers are also allowed to update their production history annually. The Secretary is required to make payments to dairy producers enrolled in the program whenever the actual dairy producer margin drops below $4.00 (or below a higher level of coverage up to $8.00). The amendment leaves the rest of the underlying dairy title intact, including the removal of the Dairy Product Price Support Program, the MILC Program, and the Dairy Export Assistance Program and the reauthorization of the 1996 FMMO additional order provision.

06/20/13 11:22 AM H.R. 1947

On agreeing to the Conaway amendment; Failed by voice vote.

06/20/13 11:20 AM H.R. 1947

VACATING PROCEEDINGS - Mr. Conaway asked unanimous consent to withdraw the request for a recorded vote on amendment No. 23 to the end that the amendment stand rejected in accordance with the previous vote thereon. Agreed to without objection.

06/20/13 11:20 AM H.R. 1947

VACATING PROCEEDINGS - Mr. Conaway asked unanimous consent to withdraw the request for a recorded vote on amendment No. 23 to the end that the amendment stand rejected in accordance with the previous voice vote thereon. Agreed to without objection.

06/20/13 11:20 AM H.R. 1947

On agreeing to the Carney amendment; Failed by recorded vote: 174 - 252 (Roll no. 277).

06/20/13 11:20 AM H.R. 1947

On agreeing to the Carney amendment; Failed by recorded vote: (Roll no. 277).

06/20/13 11:16 AM H.R. 1947

On agreeing to the Carney amendment (A042) Roll Call 277 - Recorded vote pending.

06/20/13 11:15 AM H.R. 1947

On agreeing to the Kind amendment; Failed by recorded vote: (Roll no. 276).

06/20/13 11:15 AM H.R. 1947

On agreeing to the Kind amendment; Failed by recorded vote: 208 - 217 (Roll no. 276).

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