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House Floor Ticker Archive

07/08/14 5:19 PM H.R. 4289

Mrs. Brooks (IN) moved to suspend the rules and pass the bill. H.R. 4289 — "To amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to require the Under Secretary for Management of the Department of Homeland Security to take administrative action to achieve and maintain interoperable communications capabilities among the components of the Department of Homeland Security, and for other purposes."

07/08/14 5:19 PM H.R. 4263

At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed.

07/08/14 5:10 PM H.R. 4263

DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H.R. 4263.

07/08/14 5:10 PM H.R. 4263

Considered under suspension of the rules.

07/08/14 5:09 PM H.R. 4263

Mrs. Brooks (IN) moved to suspend the rules and pass the bill, as amended. H.R. 4263 — "To amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to authorize the Department of Homeland Security to establish a social media working group, and for other purposes."

07/08/14 5:09 PM H.R. 4007

On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill, as amended Agreed to by voice vote.

07/08/14 4:37 PM H.R. 4007

DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H.R. 4007.

07/08/14 4:37 PM H.R. 4007

Considered under suspension of the rules.

07/08/14 4:36 PM H.R. 4007

Mr. Meehan moved to suspend the rules and pass the bill, as amended. H.R. 4007 — "To recodify and reauthorize the Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards Program."

07/08/14 4:36 PM H.R. 3488

On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill, as amended Agreed to by voice vote.

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