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House Floor Ticker Archive

03/30/22 4:34 PM H.R. 4521

On motion that the House disagree to the Senate amendment, and request a conference Agreed to without objection.

03/30/22 4:34 PM H.R. 4521

Ms. Stevens asked unanimous consent to take from the Speaker's table H.R. 4521, with a Senate amendment thereto, disagree to the Senate amendment and request a conference with the Senate.

03/30/22 4:33 PM H.R. 4521

ORDER OF BUSINESS - Ms. Stevens asked unanimous consent that a motion to instruct conferees with respect to H.R. 4521, except any motion that is privileged pursuant to clause 7(c) of rule 22, shall be in order only if offered by Representative Lucas of Oklahoma or his designee, and that such motion shall be in order notwithstanding any appointment of conferees.

03/30/22 4:33 PM

The Speaker laid before the House a message from the President transmitting a notification of the continuation of the national emergency with respect to Somalia - referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs and ordered to be printed (H. Doc. 117-105).

03/30/22 4:33 PM

The House received a communication from Representative Fortenberry wherein he resigns as a member of the House of Representatives effective March 31, 2022 at the end of legislative business.

03/30/22 4:26 PM

ONE MINUTE SPEECHES - The House proceeded with further one minute speeches.

03/30/22 4:19 PM

ONE MINUTE SPEECHES - The House proceeded with further one minute speeches.

03/30/22 4:17 PM S. 2126

On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays (2/3 required): (Roll no. 97).

03/30/22 4:17 PM S. 2126

Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.

03/30/22 4:17 PM S. 2126

On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 412 - 1, 1 Present (Roll no. 97).

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