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House Floor Ticker Archive

09/20/22 2:05 PM

Pursuant to section 2 of H. Res. 1361, Mr. Hoyer moved to suspend the rules and pass H.R. 1433, as amended; H.R. 4009, as amended; H.R. 4358, as amended; H.R. 6265; H.R. 6846, as amended; H.R. 7240, as amended; H.R. 7338, as amended; H.R. 8453, as amended; H.R. 8503, as amended; H.R. 8520, as amended; and to suspend the rules and agree to H. Res. 558.

09/20/22 2:05 PM

Pursuant to section 2 of H. Res. 1361, Mr. Hoyer moved to suspend the rules and pass H.R. 1433, as amended; H.R. 4009, as amended; H.R. 4358, as amended; H.R. 6265; H.R. 6846, as amended; H.R. 7240, as amended; H.R. 7338, as amended; H.R. 8453, as amended; H.R. 8503, as amended; H.R. 8520, as amended; and to suspend the rules and agree to H. Res. 558.

09/20/22 2:05 PM H. Res. 1361

Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.

09/20/22 2:05 PM H. Res. 1361

On agreeing to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (Roll no. 442).

09/20/22 2:05 PM H. Res. 1361

On agreeing to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: 220 - 205 (Roll no. 442).

09/20/22 1:51 PM H. Res. 1361

On agreeing to the resolution Roll Call 442 - Yea and Nay vote pending.

09/20/22 1:50 PM H. Res. 1361

On ordering the previous question Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (Roll no. 441).

09/20/22 1:50 PM H. Res. 1361

On ordering the previous question Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: 219 - 206 (Roll no. 441).

09/20/22 1:01 PM H. Res. 1361

On ordering the previous question Roll Call 441 - Yea and Nay vote pending.

09/20/22 1:01 PM H. Res. 1361

Considered as unfinished business. H. Res. 1361 — "Providing for consideration of the bill (S. 1098) to amend the Higher Education Act of 1965 to authorize borrowers to separate joint consolidation loans; and for other purposes."

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