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House Floor Ticker Archive

02/02/23 10:59 AM H. Res. 76

DEBATE - The House proceeded with one hour of debate on H. Res. 76.

02/02/23 10:59 AM H. Res. 76

Rule provides for consideration of H. Con. Res. 9 and H. Res. 76. All points of order against consideration and provisions are waived and are considered as read. Resolution also provides for one of general debate on each bill.

02/02/23 10:59 AM H. Res. 76

Rule provides for consideration of H. Con. Res. 9 and H. Res. 76. All points of order against consideration and provisions are waived and are considered as read. Resolution also provides for one hour of general debate on each resolution.

02/02/23 10:59 AM H. Res. 76

Rule provides for consideration of H. Con. Res. 9 and H. Res. 76. All points of order against consideration and provisions are waived and are considered as read. Rule also provides for one hour of general debate on each resolution.

02/02/23 10:59 AM H. Res. 76

Considered under the provisions of rule H. Res. 83. H. Res. 76 — "Removing a certain Member from a certain standing committee of the House."

02/02/23 10:56 AM H. Con. Res. 9

POSTPONED PROCEEDINGS - At the conclusion of debate on H. Con. Res. 9, the Chair put the question on agreeing to the resolution and by voice vote, announced that the ayes had prevailed. Mr. McHenry demanded the yeas and nays and the Chair postponed further proceedings until a time to be announced.

02/02/23 10:55 AM H. Con. Res. 9

The previous question was ordered pursuant to the rule on the resolution and the preamble.

02/02/23 9:45 AM H. Con. Res. 9

DEBATE - The House proceeded with one hour of debate on H. Con. Res. 9.

02/02/23 9:44 AM H. Con. Res. 9

Rule provides for consideration of H. Con. Res. 9 and H. Res. 76. All points of order against consideration and provisions are waived and are considered as read. Resolution also provides for one of general debate on each bill.

02/02/23 9:44 AM H. Con. Res. 9

Rule provides for consideration of H. Con. Res. 9 and H. Res. 76. All points of order against consideration and provisions are waived and are considered as read. Resolution also provides for one hour of general debate on each resolution.

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