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House Floor Ticker Archive

12/04/07 6:31 PM

Considered as unfinished business.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS - The Chair announced that the unfinished business was the question of adoption of motions to suspend the rules and the Hoekstra motion to instruct conferees on H.R. 2082, all of which had been debated earlier, and on which further proceedings had been postponed.

Pursuant to clause 8, Rule XX, the Speaker postponed until Wednesday, December 5, 2007, the roll call votes on the motions to suspend the rules and pass H.R. 236, as amended, and H.R. 2085, and the roll call vote on the motion to suspend the rules and agree to H. Con. Res. 147, which were ordered on Tuesday, December 4, 2007.

12/04/07 6:30 PM

The House convened, returning from a recess continuing the legislative day of December 4.

12/04/07 6:00 PM

The Speaker announced that the House do now recess. The next meeting is scheduled for 6:30 P.M. today.

12/04/07 6:00 PM

H.R. 2082:

to authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2008 for intelligence and intelligence-related activities of the United States Government, the Community Management Account, and the Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability System, and for other purposes

12/04/07 5:56 PM

POSTPONED PROCEEDINGS - At the conclusion of debate on the Hoekstra motion to instruct conferees on H.R. 2082, the Chair put the question on the motion and by voice vote, announced that the noes had prevailed. Mr. Hoekstra objected to the voice vote based upon the absence of a quorum and the Chair postponed further proceedings on the motion to instruct until later in the legislative day.

12/04/07 5:55 PM

The previous question was ordered without objection.

12/04/07 5:40 PM

DEBATE - The House proceeded with one hour of debate on the Hoekstra motion to instruct conferees on H.R. 2082. The instructions contained in the motion seek to require the managers on the part of the House to eliminate any House or Senate provisions providing for earmarks as defined in clause 9(d) of rule XXI of the Rules of the House of Representatives; and insist on provisions authorizing the maximum level of funding permissible for human intelligence collection activities.

Mr. Hoekstra moved that the House instruct conferees.

12/04/07 5:37 PM

On motion that the House disagree to the Senate amendment, and agree to a conference Agreed to without objection.

Mr. Reyes moved that the House disagree to the Senate amendment, and agree to a conference.

12/04/07 5:33 PM

The House convened, returning from a recess continuing the legislative day of December 4.

12/04/07 4:14 PM

The Speaker announced that the House do now recess. The next meeting is subject to the call of the Chair.

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