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House Floor Ticker Archive

01/19/18 9:29 AM

A QUESTION OF THE PRIVILEGES OF THE HOUSE - Mr. Al Green (TX) rose to a question of the privileges of the House and submitted a resolution. Subsequently, the Chair did not determine whether the resolution constituted a question of privilege. The Chair announced that a determination will be made at the time designated for consideration of the resolution.

01/19/18 9:18 AM

NOTIFICATION OF INTENT TO OFFER RESOLUTION - Mr. Al Green (TX) notified the House of his intent to offer a privileged resolution.

01/19/18 9:02 AM

ONE MINUTE SPEECHES - The House proceeded with one minute speeches which by direction of the Chair, would be limited to 5 per side of the aisle.

01/19/18 9:01 AM

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - The Chair designated Mr. Brown of MD to lead the Members in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

01/19/18 9:01 AM

SPEAKER'S APPROVAL OF THE JOURNAL - The Chair announced that he had examined the Journal of the last day's proceedings and had approved it. Mr. Fitzpatrick demanded that the question be put on agreeing to the Speaker's approval of the Journal and by voice vote, the Chair announced that the ayes had prevailed. Mr. Fitzpatrick objected to the voice vote based upon the absence of a quorum, and the Chair postponed further proceedings until later in the legislative day.

01/19/18 9:00 AM

Today's prayer was offered by Rabbi Mara Nathan, Temple Beth-El, San Antonio, Texas.

01/19/18 9:00 AM

The House convened, starting a new legislative day.

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