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House Floor Ticker Archive

01/22/18 6:10 PM H.R. 195

On motion that the House agree to the Senate amendment to the House amendment to the Senate amendment Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (Roll no. 44).

01/22/18 6:10 PM H.R. 195

On motion that the House agree to the Senate amendment to the House amendment to the Senate amendment Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: 266 - 150 (Roll no. 44).

01/22/18 5:49 PM H.R. 195

On motion to concur in the Senate amendment to the House amendment to the Senate amendment Roll Call 44 - Yea and Nay vote pending.

01/22/18 5:49 PM H.R. 195

The previous question was ordered pursuant to the order of the House of January 22, 2018.

01/22/18 5:33 PM H.R. 195

DEBATE - The House proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the motion that the House agree to the Senate amendment to the House amendment to the Senate amendment to H.R. 195.

01/22/18 5:33 PM H.R. 195

Pursuant to the order of the House of January 22, 2018, Mr. McCarthy moved that the House agree to the Senate amendment to the House amendment to the Senate amendment to H.R. 195.

01/22/18 5:33 PM H.R. 195

ORDER OF PROCEDURE - Mr. Sessions asked unanimous consent that it be in order at any time to take from the Speaker's table H.R. 195, with the Senate amendment to the House amendment to the Senate amendment thereto, and to consider in the House, without intervention of any point of order, a motion offered by the Majority Leader or his designee that the House concur in the Senate amendment to the House amendment to the Senate amendment; that the Senate amendment and the motion be considered as read; that the motion be debatable for 10 minutes equally divided and controlled by the Majority Leader and the Minority Leader or their respective designees; and that the previous question be considered as ordered on the motion to its adoption without intervening motion. Agreed to without objection.

01/22/18 5:31 PM

The House received a message from the Clerk. Pursuant to the permission granted in Clause 2(h) of Rule II of the Rules of the U.S. House of Representatives, the Clerk notified the House that she received the following message from the Secretary of the Senate on January 22, 2018, at 5:06 p.m.: that the Senate agreed to the House amendment to the Senate amendment with an amendment to H.R. 195; and that the Senate agreed to S. Con. Res. 33.

01/22/18 5:31 PM

The House received a message from the Clerk. Pursuant to the permission granted in Clause 2(h) of Rule II of the Rules of the U.S. House of Representatives, the Clerk notified the House that she received the following message from the Secretary of the Senate on January 22, 2018, at 5:06 p.m.: that the Senate agreed to the House amendment to the Senate amendment with an amendment; and that the Senate agreed to S. Con. Res. 33.

01/22/18 5:31 PM

The House convened, returning from a recess continuing the legislative day of January 22.

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