01/22/18 6:37 PM
The Speaker announced that the House do now adjourn pursuant to section 2(b) of H. Res. 694. The next meeting is scheduled for 4:00 p.m. on January 25, 2018.
01/22/18 6:20 PM
ONE MINUTE SPEECHES - The House proceeded with further one minute speeches.
01/22/18 6:12 PM
COLLOQUY ON HOUSE SCHEDULE - The Chair recognized Mr. Hoyer for the purpose of engaging in a colloquy with Mr. McCarthy on the expectations regarding the legislative schedule for the House for the upcoming week.
01/22/18 6:11 PM
The House received a communication from the Honorable Jerrold Nadler. Mr. Nadler submitted his resignation from the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. The resignation was accepted without objection.
01/22/18 6:11 PM S. Con. Res. 33
Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.
01/22/18 6:11 PM S. Con. Res. 33
On agreeing to the resolution Agreed to without objection.
01/22/18 6:10 PM S. Con. Res. 33
Considered by unanimous consent. S. Con. Res. 33 — "Providing for a correction in the enrollment of H.R. 195."
01/22/18 6:10 PM S. Con. Res. 33
Considered by unanimous consent. S. Con. Res. 33 — "The title of this measure is not available."
01/22/18 6:10 PM S. Con. Res. 33
Mr. McCarthy asked unanimous consent to take from the Speaker's table and consider.
01/22/18 6:10 PM H.R. 195
Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.