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House Floor Ticker Archive

10/26/18 4:04 PM

The Speaker announced that the House do now adjourn pursuant to section 4(b) of H. Res. 1084. The next meeting is scheduled for 1:00 p.m. on October 30, 2018.

10/26/18 4:03 PM

Advisory Board for the House of Representatives Child Care Center - Pursuant to 2 U.S.C. 2062, and the order of the House of January 3, 2017, the Speaker appointed The Honorable Richard Hudson, North Carolina; Ms. Kristene Blake, Washington, DC; Ms. Parker Poling, Washington, DC; Ms. Lynette Fraga, Alexandria, VA; and Ms. Jessica McFaul, Washington, DC.

10/26/18 4:03 PM

Advisory Board for the House of Representatives Child Care Center - Pursuant to 20 U.S.C. 2062, and the order of the House of January 3, 2017, the Speaker appointed The Honorable Richard Hudson, North Carolina; Ms. Kristene Blake, Washington, DC; Ms. Parker Poling, Washington, DC; Ms. Lynette Fraga, Alexandria, VA; and Ms. Jessica McFaul, Washington, DC.

10/26/18 4:03 PM

Cyberspace Solarium Commission - Pursuant to section 1652(b) of the John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019 (Public Law 115-232), and the order of the House of January 3, 2017, the Speaker appointed The Honorable Mike Gallagher, Wisconsin; Ms. Damantha Ravich, Alexandria, VA; and Mr. Frank Cilluffo, Oakton, VA.

10/26/18 4:03 PM

Cyberspace Solarium Commission - Pursuant to section 1652(b) of the John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019 (Public Law 115-232), and the order of the House of January 3, 2017, the Speaker appointed Mr. Gallagher, Wisconsin; Ms. Damantha Ravich, Alexandria, VA; and Mr. Frank Cilluffo, Oakton, VA.

10/26/18 4:03 PM

The House received a communication from Honorable Robert Aderholt, Member of Congress. Pursuant to Rule VIII of the Rules of the House of Representatives, Mr. Aderholt notified the House that he had been served with a request for records in connection with an action pending in a civil case issued by the Circuit Court of Marion County in the State of Alabama, and that after consultation with the Office of General Counsel, he had determined that the request was not consistent with the privileges and rights of the House.

10/26/18 4:02 PM

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - The Chair led the House in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

10/26/18 4:01 PM

SPEAKER'S APPROVAL OF THE JOURNAL - Pursuant to section 4(a) of H. Res. 1084, the Journal of the last day's proceedings was approved.

10/26/18 4:00 PM

Today's prayer was offered by Chaplain David L. Mansberger, U.S. Air Force, Arlington Cemetery, Arlington, VA

10/26/18 4:00 PM

The Speaker designated the Honorable Bob Goodlatte to act as Speaker pro tempore for today.

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