01/06/21 11:41 PM
RESUMPTION OF PROCEEDINGS - The Vice President announced that the House and Senate, not having sustained the objection to the certification of the Arizona Electoral ballots, would resume proceedings in Joint Session and that the original certification submitted by the state of Arizona as regular in form and authentic, would stand.
01/06/21 11:41 PM
The Vice President directed the tellers to resume their seats at the Clerk's desk. The Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House reported to the Joint Session the results of the proceedings with regard to the objection to the Electoral College votes from the state of Arizona.
01/06/21 11:35 PM
APPEARANCE OF THE SENATE - The Vice President and the Members of the Senate appeared and were admitted into the House Chamber to meet with the House in a Joint Session for the purpose of resuming certification of the Electoral College ballot count.
01/06/21 11:25 PM
The House received a message from the Senate. The Senate notified the House that it had disposed of the objection to the certification of the Arizona electoral ballots and was ready to resume proceedings with the House in Joint Session.
01/06/21 11:11 PM
The Speaker directed the Clerk to notify the Senate that the House had disposed of the objection raised to the certification of the Ohio electoral ballots and was ready to resume proceedings with the Senate in Joint Session.
01/06/21 11:10 PM
Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.
01/06/21 11:10 PM
On agreeing to the objection Failed by the Yeas and Nays: (Roll no. 10).
01/06/21 10:27 PM
On agreeing to the objection Roll Call 10 - Yea and Nay vote pending.
01/06/21 10:26 PM
At the conclusion of debate the Speaker put the question on agreeing to the objection and by voice vote, announced that the noes had prevailed. Mr. Jordan demanded the yeas and nays and the vote was ordered taken by electronic device.
01/06/21 9:09 PM
HOUSE DEBATE - The House resumed its sitting and continued with debate on the objection raised against the certified results of the Electoral College balloting in the state of Arizona.