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Senate committees schedule archive

04/27/16 10:00 AM

Location : SR-428A
Hearings to examine the waters of the United States rule and the case for reforming the Regulatory Flexibility Act, including S.1536, to amend chapter 6 of title 5, United States Code (commonly known as the Regulatory Flexibility Act), to ensure complete analysis of potential impacts on small entities of rules, S.2847, to require greater transparency for Federal regulatory decisions that impact small businesses, S.1817, to improve the effectiveness of major rules in accomplishing their regulatory objectives by promoting retrospective review, and S.708, to establish an independent advisory committee to review certain regulations.

Location : SD-226
Hearings to examine counterfeits and their impact on consumer health and safety.

Location : SD-342
Hearings to examine government reform, focusing on ending duplication and holding Washington accountable.

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