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Senate committees schedule archive

05/22/18 10:30 AM

Location : SD-192
Business meeting to markup an original bill entitled, "Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2019".

05/22/18 10:00 AM

Location : SD-430
Hearings to examine the healthcare workforce, focusing on addressing shortages and improving care.

Location : SD-406
Business meeting to consider S.2800, to provide for the conservation and development of water and related resources, to authorize the Secretary of the Army to construct various projects for improvements to rivers and harbors of the United States, S.2602, to support carbon dioxide utilization and direct air capture research, to facilitate the permitting and development of carbon capture, utilization, and sequestration projects and carbon dioxide pipelines, S.2734, to designate the Federal building and United States courthouse located at 1300 Victoria Street in Laredo, Texas, as the "George P. Kazen Federal Building and United States Courthouse", S.2377, to designate the Federal building and United States courthouse located at 200 West 2nd Street in Dayton, Ohio, as the "Walter H. Rice Federal Building and United States Courthouse", the nomination of John L. Ryder, to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the Tennessee Valley Authority, and 3 General Services Administration resolutions.

Location : SD-106
Business meeting to consider S.2848, to improve Department of Transportation controlled substances and alcohol testing, S.2842, to prohibit the marketing of bogus opioid treatment programs or products, S.2844, to require the Surface Transportation Board to implement certain recommendations of the Inspector General of the Department of Transportation, S.2764, to amend and enhance the High Seas Driftnet Fishing Moratorium Protection Act to improve the conservation of sharks, S.2418, to direct the Federal Communications Commission to promulgate regulations that establish a national standard for determining whether mobile and broadband services available in rural areas are reasonably comparable to those services provided in urban areas, the nominations of Joseph Ryan Gruters, of Florida, to be a Director of the Amtrak Board of Directors, Jennifer L. Homendy, of Virginia, to be a Member of the National Transportation Safety Board, and routine lists in the Coast Guard.

Location : SD-538
Business meeting to consider S.2098, to modernize and strengthen the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States to more effectively guard against the risk to the national security of the United States posed by certain types of foreign investment.

Location : SD-138
Hearings to examine proposed budget estimates and justification for fiscal year 2019 for the Department of the Treasury.

05/22/18 9:30 AM

Location : SR-232A
Closed business meeting to markup those provisions which fall under the subcommittee's jurisdiction of the proposed National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2019.

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