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Senate committees schedule archive

06/13/18 10:00 AM

Location : SD-406
Hearings to examine innovation and America's infrastructure, focusing on the effects of emerging autonomous technologies on America's roads and bridges.

Location : SD-226
Hearings to examine confronting sexual harassment and other workplace misconduct in the Federal judiciary.

Location : SR-253
An oversight hearing to examine the National Telecommunications and Information Administration.

Location : SD-366
Hearings to examine S.3001, to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to convey certain land and facilities of the Central Valley Project, H.R.132, to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to convey certain land and appurtenances of the Arbuckle Project, Oklahoma, to the Arbuckle Master Conservancy District, and H.R.1967, to amend the Reclamation Project Act of 1939 to authorize pumped storage hydropower development utilizing multiple Bureau of Reclamation reservoirs.

06/13/18 9:30 AM

Location : SR-328A
Business meeting to consider an original bill entitled, "2018 Farm Bill".

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