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Senate committees schedule archive

07/17/19 2:30 PM

Location : SD-628
Business meeting to consider S.886, to amend the Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009 to make the Reclamation Water Settlements Fund permanent, and S.2071, to repeal certain obsolete laws relating to Indians.

Location : SD-419
Hearings to examine the nomination of Michelle A. Bekkering, of the District of Columbia, to be an Assistant Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development.

Location : SD-342
Hearings to examine the Federally incurred cost of regulatory changes and how such changes are made.

Location : SD-226
An oversight hearing to examine the United States Copyright Office.

07/17/19 10:30 AM

Location : SH-216
Hearings to examine National Aeronautics and Space Administration plans for deep space exploration, focusing on the Moon to Mars.

07/17/19 10:00 AM

Location : SD-406
Hearings to examine electric battery production and waste, focusing on opportunities and challenges.

Location : SD-226
Hearings to examine pending nominations.

Location : SH-216
Hearings to examine National Aeronautics and Space Administration plans for deep space exploration, focusing on the Moon to Mars.

07/17/19 9:30 AM

Location : SD-562
Hearings to examine combating robocall fraud, focusing on using telecom advances and law enforcement to stop scammers and protect seniors.

Location : SD-538
Hearings to examine economic mobility, focusing on whether the American dream is in crisis.

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