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Senate committees schedule archive

09/27/23 3:30 PM

Location : SR-301
Hearings to examine AI and the future of our elections.

09/27/23 2:30 PM

Location : SH-216
Hearings to examine countering China's malign influence operations in the United States.

Location : SD-628
Hearings to examine water as a trust resource, focusing on access in Native communities.

09/27/23 2:00 PM

Location : RHOB-2200
Hearings to examine the United Nations and Ukraine.

09/27/23 11:00 AM

Location : SD-562
Business meeting to consider the nominations of Thomas G. Day, of Virginia, to be a Commissioner of the Postal Regulatory Commission, and Katherine E. Oler, Judith E. Pipe, and Charles J. Willoughby, Jr., each to be an Associate Judge of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia.

09/27/23 10:30 AM

Location : SD-538
Hearings to examine the state of flood insurance in America.

09/27/23 10:15 AM

Location : SD-562
Business meeting to consider the nominations of Thomas G. Day, of Virginia, to be a Commissioner of the Postal Regulatory Commission, and Katherine E. Oler, Judith E. Pipe, and Charles J. Willoughby, Jr., each to be an Associate Judge of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia.

09/27/23 10:00 AM

Location : SD-406
An oversight hearing to examine the General Services Administration, focusing on examining the Federal real estate portfolio.

Location : SD-106
Hearings to examine Medicare.

Location : SR-328A
Hearings to examine foreign ownership in U.S. agriculture.

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