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Caught Our Eye

Congressional staff grows more diverse, but lags U.S.

Posted by Keturah Hetrick on July 9, 2018

The congressional workforce has dramatically improved its racial diversity in the past 16 years but still lags the U.S. population considerably, according to new LegiStorm data.

The proportion of non-white congressional aides has increased from 14.7 to 19.6 percent in the House and from 9.0 to 16.9 percent in the Senate. That's an increase of 33 and 87 percent, respectively.

In that same time, the proportion of non-white members has increased by 43 percent among representatives - from 15.7 percent to 22.5 percent — and 166 percent among senators — from 3.0 percent to 8.0 percent.

Still, the racial makeup of both congressional members and staff lags well behind that of the general U.S. population, which is 39.3 percent non-white.

LegiStorm's data on race is typically not self-reported but rather based on our best estimate of race given available information about a person, including photographs, membership in minority organizations, family name and other factors.