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Caught Our Eye

LegiStorm makes search engine improvements

Posted by LegiStorm on Oct. 31, 2008

We have made a few changes to the LegiStorm main search feature, which we hope will improve our ability to give you the information you need.

The main search box in the top left corner of our pages has always been a handy quick search for some of our key data. You have always been able to search for a legislator or a congressional staffer's name. Or you could find the sponsor or destination for a congressional trip.

Now, if you're searching for a specific staffer on our site, the search results now show you what office each person has worked in. Previously, you had to click through each name to see where they had worked.

We've also added the ability to search for congressional offices, such as the Clerk of the House.

Let us know what you think of these changes and stay tuned for other search improvements in the future.