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A House committee aide trades in pageants for policy

Posted by Katie Barrows on April 3, 2014

 A new House Transportation Committee aide has traded in beauty pageants for policy work.

Chelsea Welch has joined the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee as a legislative assistant on the Highways and Transit Subcommittee and the Water Resources and Environment Subcommittee. Welch comes to the committee with something to brag about, being crowned Miss West Virginia 2013. She also placed in 12th in the 2013 Miss USA competition. Welch has a history of participating in beauty pageants. She was Miss West Virginia Teen in 2013 and placed in the top five of Miss Teen USA in 2007.

While working on her bachelor's at Brown University, Welch interned for the House Natural Resources Committee in 2010. She also holds a master's in natural resources from the University of Georgia.


Rep. Honda makes a foolish mass transit proposal

Posted by LegiStorm on April 1, 2014

As Rep. Mike Honda (D-Calif.) sees it, San Francisco Bay Area residents should have another option on their morning commute, so he has proposed extending commuter train service to Washington - as it turns out, only steps from his Capitol Hill office.

Or so you might believe if you read Honda's press release and didn't check today's date on the calendar.

The press release from the desk of Honda's communications director, Ken Scudder, indicates that the 2,831-mile extension of the Bay Area Rapit Transit system to the Capitol South metro station would cost $396 billion.

"While the price tag may seem a little high," Congressman Honda said in a statement, "it would only amount to a little over half of our defense spending in one year alone. I came to Congress to build bridges, not bombs. And that's exactly what I intend to do."

The release notes that the 41-hour journey would cost commuters $347.28. "Commuters will be able to pay with their DC Metro or BART smartcards, or in exact change (coins only)," the release said.


Democrat's senior aide fills out prescription for multi-national pharma

Posted by Nate Hoffman on April 1, 2014

The first client of Sen. Bob Menéndez's (D-N.J.) former top legislative staffer is a giant of the pharmaceutical industry, an industry which Menéndez has championed.

Karissa Willhite, now working as a principal for Ogilvy Government Relations, has filed her first lobbying papers for her activities with AstraZeneca, the multinational with U.S. headquarters in Delaware. The former Hill staffer is helping the European corporation with efforts to reform Medicaid, Medicare and the tax code, among other issues. In 2009, her former boss opposed an amendment that would have enabled cheaper medications from being imported from Canada and other countries. Merck and Co., another pharmaceutical conglomerate, is one of many drug companies throughout the Garden State

Prior to her move to Farragut Square, Willhite served as the deputy chief of staff for policy for the past eight years. She also worked for the New Jersey Democrat as a policy director in the House Democratic Caucus and as a legislative assistant in his personal office. Willhite started her political career with Rep. Charlie Stenholm (D-Texas), first as a legislative correspondent before being promoted to legislative assistant.

Ex-Senate Budget Committee aide brings in more money at Chevron

Posted by LegiStorm on March 31, 2014

A former Democratic Senate Budget Committee staffer has disclosed receiving a signing bonus and a significant raise to become an environmental analyst for Chevron Corp.

The latest financial disclosure by Tyler J. Kruzich, who served as energy and the environment analyst for the Budget Committee, indicates his salary is between $150,000 and $200,000. His signing bonus to be an environmental analyst for air, safety and security was reportedly worth between $15,000 and $50,000. For the 2013 fiscal year, Kruzich received a $130,000 salary from the Senate. He left in December.

This isn't Kruzich's first private industry job. In 2011, Kruzich took a break from the Capitol and headed to Carpi and Clay Inc. as a principal. At the Washington, D.C.-based government relations firm, Kruzich lobbied for varies local government agencies, including the Port of Long Beach Calif. and Los Angeles County, Calif.


Former Rep. lobbies for African kingdom

Posted by Nate Hoffman on March 28, 2014

For former Rep. Ed Towns (D-N.Y.), it's never too late to start a new career.

The soon-to-be-octogenarian is now lobbying for the nation of Morocco, one of the United States' oldest allies. Towns has filed representation papers on behalf of the Moroccan American Center for Policy, a Washington non-profit created by the Moroccan monarchy to represent its interests in the United States. This represents the first time the former New York Democrat has disclosed lobbying activity since leaving office at the beginning of 2013.

In 2007, Towns joined 168 of his colleagues in signing a letter to President George W. Bush to support the Western Sahara initiative. The proposal would have granted the disputed region more local autonomy, with Morocco maintaining the territory. The question of autonomy has yet to be fully resolved.

Towns' work for Morocco is through Gray Global Advisors LLC. The firm is run by Justin Gray, who used to lobby with his father, former Rep. William Gray (D-Pa.), now deceased. The firm has represented Comcast, McDonald's Corp. and the City of Philadelphia in the past.

About Caught Our Eye

We spend a large part of our days looking at data. Documents often come in by the dozens and hundreds. And while most are boring - how interesting can staring at a phone directory or salary records be, for example? - we find daily reasons for interest, amusement or even concern packed in the documents. So we are launching a new running feature that we call "Caught our Eye."

Longer than tweets but shorter than most blog posts, Caught our Eye items will bring back the interest in reviewing documents and researching people. Some items might bring hard, breaking news. Others will raise eyebrows and lead some into further inquiry. Others might be good for a joke or two around the water cooler. All will enlighten about the people or workings of Capitol Hill.

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