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House Salaries and Bonuses by Member

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Rank Member Status


First 3 Quarters (Averaged) Fourth Quarter 4th Quarter Increase
Quarterly Payroll Questioniconlarge01 Avg. Salary Questioniconlarge01 Quarterly Payroll Questioniconlarge01 Avg. Salary Questioniconlarge01 Payroll $ Questioniconlarge01 Salary % Questioniconlarge01
Rank 61 Member Gutiérrez, Former Rep. Luis (D-IL) Status First 3 Quarters (Averaged)
Quarterly Payroll
First 3 Quarters (Averaged)
Avg. Salary
Fourth Quarter
Quarterly Payroll
Fourth Quarter
Avg. Salary
4th Quarter Increase
Payroll $
4th Quarter Increase
Salary %
Rank 62 Member Yoho, Former Rep. Ted (R-FL) Status First 3 Quarters (Averaged)
Quarterly Payroll
First 3 Quarters (Averaged)
Avg. Salary
Fourth Quarter
Quarterly Payroll
Fourth Quarter
Avg. Salary
4th Quarter Increase
Payroll $
4th Quarter Increase
Salary %
Rank 63 Member Price, Former Rep. David (D-NC) Status First 3 Quarters (Averaged)
Quarterly Payroll
First 3 Quarters (Averaged)
Avg. Salary
Fourth Quarter
Quarterly Payroll
Fourth Quarter
Avg. Salary
4th Quarter Increase
Payroll $
4th Quarter Increase
Salary %
Rank 64 Member Clawson, Former Rep. Curt (R-FL) Status First 3 Quarters (Averaged)
Quarterly Payroll
First 3 Quarters (Averaged)
Avg. Salary
Fourth Quarter
Quarterly Payroll
Fourth Quarter
Avg. Salary
4th Quarter Increase
Payroll $
4th Quarter Increase
Salary %
Rank 65 Member Rooney, Former Rep. Tom (R-FL) Status First 3 Quarters (Averaged)
Quarterly Payroll
First 3 Quarters (Averaged)
Avg. Salary
Fourth Quarter
Quarterly Payroll
Fourth Quarter
Avg. Salary
4th Quarter Increase
Payroll $
4th Quarter Increase
Salary %
Rank 66 Member Serrano, Former Rep. José (D-NY) Status First 3 Quarters (Averaged)
Quarterly Payroll
First 3 Quarters (Averaged)
Avg. Salary
Fourth Quarter
Quarterly Payroll
Fourth Quarter
Avg. Salary
4th Quarter Increase
Payroll $
4th Quarter Increase
Salary %
Rank 67 Member Hensarling, Former Rep. Jeb (R-TX) Status First 3 Quarters (Averaged)
Quarterly Payroll
First 3 Quarters (Averaged)
Avg. Salary
Fourth Quarter
Quarterly Payroll
Fourth Quarter
Avg. Salary
4th Quarter Increase
Payroll $
4th Quarter Increase
Salary %
Rank 68 Member Goodlatte, Former Rep. Bob (R-VA) Status First 3 Quarters (Averaged)
Quarterly Payroll
First 3 Quarters (Averaged)
Avg. Salary
Fourth Quarter
Quarterly Payroll
Fourth Quarter
Avg. Salary
4th Quarter Increase
Payroll $
4th Quarter Increase
Salary %
Rank 69 Member Rigell, Former Rep. Scott (R-VA) Status First 3 Quarters (Averaged)
Quarterly Payroll
First 3 Quarters (Averaged)
Avg. Salary
Fourth Quarter
Quarterly Payroll
Fourth Quarter
Avg. Salary
4th Quarter Increase
Payroll $
4th Quarter Increase
Salary %
Rank 70 Member Harper, Former Rep. Gregg (R-MS) Status First 3 Quarters (Averaged)
Quarterly Payroll
First 3 Quarters (Averaged)
Avg. Salary
Fourth Quarter
Quarterly Payroll
Fourth Quarter
Avg. Salary
4th Quarter Increase
Payroll $
4th Quarter Increase
Salary %
Rank 71 Member Ross, Former Rep. Dennis (R-FL) Status First 3 Quarters (Averaged)
Quarterly Payroll
First 3 Quarters (Averaged)
Avg. Salary
Fourth Quarter
Quarterly Payroll
Fourth Quarter
Avg. Salary
4th Quarter Increase
Payroll $
4th Quarter Increase
Salary %
Rank 72 Member Yarmuth, Former Rep. John (D-KY) Status First 3 Quarters (Averaged)
Quarterly Payroll
First 3 Quarters (Averaged)
Avg. Salary
Fourth Quarter
Quarterly Payroll
Fourth Quarter
Avg. Salary
4th Quarter Increase
Payroll $
4th Quarter Increase
Salary %
Rank 73 Member Marchant, Former Rep. Kenny (R-TX) Status First 3 Quarters (Averaged)
Quarterly Payroll
First 3 Quarters (Averaged)
Avg. Salary
Fourth Quarter
Quarterly Payroll
Fourth Quarter
Avg. Salary
4th Quarter Increase
Payroll $
4th Quarter Increase
Salary %
Rank 74 Member Capps, Former Rep. Lois (D-CA) Status First 3 Quarters (Averaged)
Quarterly Payroll
First 3 Quarters (Averaged)
Avg. Salary
Fourth Quarter
Quarterly Payroll
Fourth Quarter
Avg. Salary
4th Quarter Increase
Payroll $
4th Quarter Increase
Salary %
Rank 75 Member Olson, Former Rep. Pete (R-TX) Status First 3 Quarters (Averaged)
Quarterly Payroll
First 3 Quarters (Averaged)
Avg. Salary
Fourth Quarter
Quarterly Payroll
Fourth Quarter
Avg. Salary
4th Quarter Increase
Payroll $
4th Quarter Increase
Salary %
Rank 76 Member Hinojosa, Former Rep. Rubén (D-TX) Status First 3 Quarters (Averaged)
Quarterly Payroll
First 3 Quarters (Averaged)
Avg. Salary
Fourth Quarter
Quarterly Payroll
Fourth Quarter
Avg. Salary
4th Quarter Increase
Payroll $
4th Quarter Increase
Salary %
Rank 77 Member Levin, Former Rep. Sandy (D-MI) Status First 3 Quarters (Averaged)
Quarterly Payroll
First 3 Quarters (Averaged)
Avg. Salary
Fourth Quarter
Quarterly Payroll
Fourth Quarter
Avg. Salary
4th Quarter Increase
Payroll $
4th Quarter Increase
Salary %
Rank 78 Member Fitzpatrick, Former Rep. Mike (R-PA) Status First 3 Quarters (Averaged)
Quarterly Payroll
First 3 Quarters (Averaged)
Avg. Salary
Fourth Quarter
Quarterly Payroll
Fourth Quarter
Avg. Salary
4th Quarter Increase
Payroll $
4th Quarter Increase
Salary %
Rank 79 Member Visclosky, Former Rep. Pete (D-IN) Status First 3 Quarters (Averaged)
Quarterly Payroll
First 3 Quarters (Averaged)
Avg. Salary
Fourth Quarter
Quarterly Payroll
Fourth Quarter
Avg. Salary
4th Quarter Increase
Payroll $
4th Quarter Increase
Salary %
Rank 80 Member Costello, Former Rep. Ryan (R-PA) Status First 3 Quarters (Averaged)
Quarterly Payroll
First 3 Quarters (Averaged)
Avg. Salary
Fourth Quarter
Quarterly Payroll
Fourth Quarter
Avg. Salary
4th Quarter Increase
Payroll $
4th Quarter Increase
Salary %

This chart provides a member-by-member list of end-of-year bonuses paid to staff. Because officially released data does not report bonuses as such, we have estimated the size of the bonuses by comparing the average quarterly salary payments in the first three quarters of the year with the quarterly salary payments in the final quarter.

The numbers are reported both in absolute dollar figures for the whole office and as a percentage increase in an average staffer's pay. Both of these numbers tell slightly different stories. The overall dollar figure does not take into account how many people are working in the office. The salary percentage increase, on the other hand, attempts to minimize any distortions caused by an exodus of staffers or a wave of new hires by pro-rating the salary amounts. The percentage represents the amount that the average staffer's pay increased from the first three quarters to the fourth quarter.

No results are shown for any members who did not serve the entire year.

For more detail on how the numbers were obtained for each column, place your mouse over the Questioniconlarge01 symbol in the column heading.