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House Floor Ticker Archive

05/11/10 7:10 PM

H. Res. 1328:

honoring the life and legacy of William Earnest "Ernie" Harwell

05/11/10 7:04 PM

Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.

On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 394 - 0 (Roll no. 257).

05/11/10 6:56 PM

H. Res. 1294:

expressing support for designation of the first Saturday in May as National Explosive Ordnance Disposal Day to honor those who are serving and have served in the noble and self-sacrificing profession of Explosive Ordnance Disposal in the United States Armed Forces

Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.

On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 388 - 0 (Roll no. 256).

05/11/10 6:56 PM

Considered as unfinished business.

05/11/10 6:31 PM

Considered as unfinished business.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS - The Chair announced that the unfinished business was the question of adoption of motions to suspend the rules which had been debated earlier and on which further proceedings had been postponed.

05/11/10 6:30 PM

Pursuant to clause 8, rule XX, the Speaker postponed, until a time to be announced, the roll call vote on the motion to suspend the rules and agree to H. Con. Res. 268, which was ordered on Tuesday, May 11, 2010.

The House convened, returning from a recess continuing the legislative day of May 11.

05/11/10 3:22 PM

The Speaker announced that the House do now recess. today. The next meeting is scheduled for 6:30 P.M. today.

05/11/10 3:22 PM

S. Con. Res. 62:

congratulating the outstanding professional public servants, both past and present, of the Natural Resources Conservation Service on the occasion of its 75th anniversary

Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.

On motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution Agreed to by voice vote.

05/11/10 3:16 PM

DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on S. Con. Res. 62.

Considered under suspension of the rules.

Mr. Holden moved to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution.

05/11/10 3:16 PM

H. Res. 1094:

commemorating the life of the late Cynthia DeLores Tucker

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