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House Floor Ticker Archive

06/01/11 5:50 PM

DEBATE - The Committee of the Whole proceeded with debate on the McCaul amendment under the five-minute rule, pending the reservation of a point of order.

Amendment offered by Mr. McCaul.

06/01/11 5:50 PM

An amendment to reduce funds for the Office of the Under Secretary for Management, and increase funds for the state and local divisions of FEMA.

06/01/11 5:49 PM

Mr. Aderholt raised a point of order against the McCaul amendment Mr. Aderholt stated that the amendment seeks to amend portions of the bill not yet read for consideration. The Chair sustained the point of order.

06/01/11 5:46 PM

DEBATE - The Committee of the Whole proceeded with debate on the McCaul amendment under the five-minute rule, pending the reservation of a point of order.

06/01/11 5:45 PM

Amendment offered by Mr. McCaul.

06/01/11 5:45 PM

An amendment to reduce funds for the Office of the Under Secretary for Management, and increase funds for the U.S. Customs and Border Protection expenses.

06/01/11 5:44 PM

Mr. Aderholt raised a point of order against the Poe (TX) amendment Mr. Aderholt stated that the amendment seeks to amend portions of the bill not yet read for consideration. The Chair sustained the point of order.

06/01/11 5:39 PM

DEBATE - The Committee of the Whole proceeded with debate on the Poe(TX) amendment number 7 under the five-minute rule, pending the reservation of a point of order.

Amendment offered by Mr. Poe (TX).

06/01/11 5:39 PM

An amendment numbered 7 printed in the Congressional Record to increase funding for immigration enforcement, detention and removal operations by $100 million. The increase would be offset by reducing funding for the Office of the Under Secretary for Management by the same amount.

By unanimous consent, the Norton amendment was withdrawn.

06/01/11 5:30 PM

An amendment to increase funding to the Office of the Under Secretary for Management by $500,673,000.

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