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House Floor Ticker Archive

09/21/12 9:59 AM

POSTPONED PROCEEDINGS - At the conclusion of debate on the DeFazio amendment, the Chair put the question on adoption of the amendment, and by voice vote announced that the noes had prevailed. Mr. DeFazio demanded a recorded vote and the Chair postponed further proceedings on adoption of the amendment until a time to be announced.

09/21/12 9:51 AM

DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of , the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the DeFazio amendment No. 11.

09/21/12 9:51 AM

An amendment, offered by Mr. DeFazio, numbered 11 printed in to require EPA and the Department of Transportation to submit a report to Congress within 6 months on the health, environmental, and public health impacts of fugitive coal dust.

09/21/12 9:51 AM

Amendment offered by Mr. DeFazio.

09/21/12 9:50 AM

POSTPONED PROCEEDINGS - At the conclusion of debate on the Markey amendment, the Chair put the question on adoption of the amendment, and by voice vote announced that the noes had prevailed. Mr. Markey demanded a recorded vote and the Chair postponed further proceedings on adoption of the amendment until a time to be announced.

09/21/12 9:42 AM

DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of , the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the Markey amendment No. 10.

09/21/12 9:42 AM

Amendment offered by Mr. Markey.

09/21/12 9:42 AM

An amendment, offered by Mr. Markey, numbered 10 printed in to reate a national renewable electricity and energy efficiency standard.

09/21/12 9:41 AM

POSTPONED PROCEEDINGS - At the conclusion of debate on the McKinley amendment, the Chair put the question on adoption of the amendment, and by voice vote announced that the ayes had prevailed. Mr. McKinley demanded a recorded vote and the Chair postponed further proceedings on adoption of the amendment until a time to be announced.

09/21/12 9:29 AM

DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of , the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the McKinley amendment No. 9.

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