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House Floor Ticker Archive

06/09/14 2:50 PM H.R. 4745

An amendment, offered by Mr. Duffy, to ensure that there be no limit or other prohibition for a vehicle transporting raw or unfinished forest product if such vehicle has a gross vehicle weight of 98,000 pounds or less.

06/09/14 2:50 PM H.R. 4745

Amendment offered by Mr. Duffy.

06/09/14 2:46 PM H.R. 4745

On agreeing to the Walberg amendment; Agreed to by voice vote.

06/09/14 2:41 PM H.R. 4745

DEBATE - The Committee of the Whole proceeded with debate on the Walberg amendment under the five-minute rule.

06/09/14 2:41 PM H.R. 4745

An amendment, offered by Mr. Walberg, to strike section 102 from the bill regarding proposals related to the reduction of motorcycle fatalities.

06/09/14 2:40 PM H.R. 4745

On agreeing to the Farenthold amendment; Failed by voice vote.

06/09/14 2:35 PM H.R. 4745

DEBATE - The Committee of the Whole proceeded with debate on the Farenthold amendment under the five-minute rule.

06/09/14 2:35 PM H.R. 4745

An amendment, offered by Mr. Farenthold, to transfer $6,000,000 from the salaries and expenses account of the Office of the Secretary to the airport and airway trust fund.

06/09/14 2:35 PM H.R. 4745

An amendment, offered by Mr. Farenthold, to transfer $6,000,000 from the salaries and expenses account of the Office of the Secretary to airport and airway trust fund.

06/09/14 2:35 PM H.R. 4745

Amendment offered by Mr. Farenthold.

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