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House Floor Ticker Archive

12/11/14 9:08 PM H.R. 83

The House resumed with the motion to agree in the Senate amendment to H.R. 83, with an amendment.

12/11/14 9:08 PM

The House received a message from the Senate. The Senate passed S. 1353.

12/11/14 8:57 PM H.R. 83

DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 776, the House proceeded with 10 and 1/2 minutes of debate on the motion to agree in the Senate amendment to H.R. 83, with an amendment.

12/11/14 8:57 PM H.R. 83

DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 776, the House proceeded with further debate on the motion to agree in the Senate amendment to H.R. 83, with an amendment.

12/11/14 8:57 PM H.R. 83


12/11/14 8:56 PM H.R. 83

Pursuant to clause 1(c) of rule 19, further proceedings on H.R. 83 resumed.

12/11/14 8:56 PM H.R. 83

Pursuant to clause 1(c) of rule 19, further proceedings on H.R. 83 continued.

12/11/14 8:56 PM

The House convened, returning from a recess continuing the legislative day of December 11.

12/11/14 2:07 PM

The Speaker announced that the House do now recess. The next meeting is subject to the call of the Chair.

12/11/14 2:07 PM H.R. 83

POSTPONED PROCEEDINGS - The Chair announced that pursuant to clause 1(c) of rule 19, further proceedings on H.R. 83 would be postponed until a time to be announced.

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