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House Floor Ticker Archive

07/14/15 1:10 PM H.R. 1047

Mr. Luetkemeyer moved to suspend the rules and pass the bill. H.R. 1047 — "To authorize private nonprofit organizations to administer permanent housing rental assistance provided through the Continuum of Care Program under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, and for other purposes."

07/14/15 1:09 PM H.R. 251

At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed.

07/14/15 12:54 PM H.R. 251

DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H.R. 251.

07/14/15 12:54 PM H.R. 251

Considered under suspension of the rules.

07/14/15 12:54 PM H.R. 251

Mr. Luetkemeyer moved to suspend the rules and pass the bill. H.R. 251 — "To transfer the position of Special Assistant for Veterans Affairs in the Department of Housing and Urban Development to the Office of the Secretary, and for other purposes."

07/14/15 12:54 PM H.R. 2722

At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed.

07/14/15 12:37 PM H.R. 2722

DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H.R. 2722.

07/14/15 12:37 PM H.R. 2722

Considered under suspension of the rules.

07/14/15 12:37 PM H.R. 2722

Mr. Luetkemeyer moved to suspend the rules and pass the bill, as amended. H.R. 2722 — "To require the Secretary of the Treasury to mint coins in recognition of the fight against breast cancer."

07/14/15 12:36 PM

The Speaker announced that votes on suspensions, if ordered, will be postponed until a time to be announced.

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