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House Floor Ticker Archive

09/21/16 2:46 PM H.R. 5659

On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill, as amended Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 423 - 0 (Roll no. 529).

09/21/16 2:40 PM H.R. 5659

On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill, as amended Roll Call 529 - 2/3 Yea and Nay vote pending.

09/21/16 2:40 PM H.R. 5659

Considered as unfinished business. H.R. 5659 — "To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act with respect to expanding Medicare Advantage coverage for individuals with end-stage renal disease (ESRD)."

09/21/16 2:40 PM H.R. 3957

Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.

09/21/16 2:40 PM H.R. 3957

On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill, as amended Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays (2/3 required): (Roll no. 528).

09/21/16 2:40 PM H.R. 3957

On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill, as amended Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 400 - 20 (Roll no. 528).

09/21/16 2:34 PM H.R. 3957

On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill, as amended Roll Call 528 - 2/3 Yea and Nay vote pending.

09/21/16 2:34 PM H.R. 3957

Considered as unfinished business. H.R. 3957 — "To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to temporarily allow expensing of certain costs of replanting citrus plants lost by reason of casualty."

09/21/16 2:33 PM

UNFINISHED BUSINESS - The Chair announced that the unfinished business was on motions to suspend the rules, which had been debated earlier and on which further proceedings had been postponed.

09/21/16 2:33 PM H. Res. 876

Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.

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