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House Floor Ticker Archive

03/02/20 5:43 PM H.R. 4351

On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill, as amended Agreed to by voice vote.

03/02/20 5:30 PM H.R. 4351

DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H.R. 4351.

03/02/20 5:30 PM H.R. 4351

Considered under suspension of the rules.

03/02/20 5:30 PM H.R. 4351

Mr. San Nicolas moved to suspend the rules and pass the bill, as amended. H.R. 4351 — "To require certain grantees under title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 to submit a plan to track discriminatory land use policies, and for other purposes."

03/02/20 5:29 PM H.R. 5932

At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed.

03/02/20 5:19 PM H.R. 5932

DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H.R. 5932.

03/02/20 5:19 PM H.R. 5932

Considered under suspension of the rules.

03/02/20 5:19 PM H.R. 5932

Mr. San Nicolas moved to suspend the rules and pass the bill, as amended. H.R. 5932 — "To ensure greater transparency about the terms and conditions of financing provided by China to member states of the international financial institutions."

03/02/20 5:19 PM H.R. 5003

At the conclusion of debate, the Yeas and Nays were demanded and ordered. Pursuant to the provisions of clause 8, rule XX, the Chair announced that further proceedings on the motion would be postponed.

03/02/20 5:10 PM H.R. 5003

DEBATE - The House proceeded with forty minutes of debate on H.R. 5003.

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