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House Floor Ticker Archive

07/24/20 11:59 AM H.R. 7608

The previous question on the motion to recommit with instructions was ordered without objection.

07/24/20 11:54 AM H.R. 7608

Floor summary: DEBATE - The House proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the Granger motion to recommit with instructions. The instructions contained in the motion seek to report the bill back to the House with an amendment to transfer $102,500,500 from the Economic Support Fund to the Development Assistance Fund.

07/24/20 11:53 AM H.R. 7608

Ms. Granger moved to recommit with instructions to the Committee on Appropriations.

07/24/20 11:53 AM H.R. 7608

The previous question was ordered pursuant to the rule.

07/24/20 11:52 AM H.R. 7608

On agreeing to the Smith (MO) amendment; Failed by the Yeas and Nays: (Roll no. 164).

07/24/20 11:52 AM H.R. 7608

On agreeing to the Smith (MO) amendment; Failed by the Yeas and Nays: 155 - 256 (Roll no. 164).

07/24/20 11:02 AM H.R. 7608

On agreeing to the Smith (MO) amendment (A009) Roll Call 164 - Yea and Nay vote pending.

07/24/20 11:00 AM H.R. 7608

On agreeing to the Tonko amendment; Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (Roll no. 163).

07/24/20 11:00 AM H.R. 7608

On agreeing to the Tonko amendment; Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: 233 - 176 (Roll no. 163).

07/24/20 10:22 AM H.R. 7608

On agreeing to the Tonko amendment (A007) Roll Call 163 - Yea and Nay vote pending.

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