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House Floor Ticker Archive

07/29/20 6:13 PM

UNFINIHSED BUSINESS - The Chair announced that the unfinished business was on passage of H.R. 7027, which was debated earlier and on which further proceedings had been postponed.

07/29/20 6:13 PM

UNFINIHSED BUSINESS - The Chair announced that the unfinished business was on passage of H.R. 7027, which was debated earlier and on which further proceedings had been postponed.

07/29/20 6:13 PM

The House convened, returning from a recess continuing the legislative day of July 29.

07/29/20 6:05 PM

The Speaker announced that the House do now recess for a period of less than 15 minutes.

07/29/20 6:04 PM

HOUSE DECORUM - The Speaker addressed the House regarding the wearing of masks in the Hall of the House during the coronavirus pandemic. Under clause 2 of rule 1, the Chair is required to preserve order and decorum in the Chamber, including the protection of Member and staff safety and health during proceedings. The Speaker announced that during the pendency of a covered period pursuant to H. Res. 965, Members and staff will be required to wear masks at all times in the Hall of the House and that the failure to wear a mask constitutes a serious breach of decorum.

07/29/20 6:04 PM

HOUSE DECORUM - The Chair announced that pursuant to clause 2 of rule 1, during the pendency of a covered period pursuant to H. Res. 965, Members and staff will be required to wear masks at all times in the Hall of the House, except that Members may remove their masks temporarily when recognized and that Members and staff will not be permitted to enter the Hall of the House without wearing a mask. Masks will be available at entry points for any Member who forgets to bring one. The Chair also reaffirmed that the Speaker has the authority to direct the Sergeant-at-Arms to remove a Member from the floor as a matter of decorum and the Chair views the failure to wear a mask as a serious breach of decorum. The Speaker made an announcement regarding wearing a mask in the Hall of the House during the coronavirus pandemic.

07/29/20 6:04 PM

HOUSE DECORUM - The Chair announced that pursuant to clause 2 of rule I, during the pendency of a covered period pursuant to H. Res. 965, Members and staff will be required to wear masks at all times in the Hall of the House, except that Members may remove their masks temporarily when recognized and that Members and staff will not be permitted to enter the Hall of the House without wearing a mask. Masks will be available at entry points for any Member who forgets to bring one. The Chair also reaffirmed that the Speaker has the authority to direct the Sergeant-at-Arms to remove a Member from the floor as a matter of decorum and the Chair views the failure to wear a mask as a serious breach of decorum.

07/29/20 6:04 PM

The Chair announced that pursuant to clause 2 of rule I, during the pendency of a covered period pursuant to H. Res. 965, Members and staff will be required to wear masks at all times in the Hall of the House, except that Members may remove their masks temporarily when recognized and that Members and staff will not be permitted to enter the Hall of the House without wearing a mask. Masks will be available at entry points for any Member who forgets to bring one. The Chair also reaffirmed that the Speaker has the authority to direct the Sergeant-at-Arms to remove a Member from the floor as a matter of decorum and the Chair views the failure to wear a mask as a serious breach of decorum.

07/29/20 6:04 PM

The Chair announced that pursuant to clause 2 of rule I, during the pendency of a covered period pursuant to H. Res. 965, Members and staff will be required to wear masks at all times in the Hall of the House, except that Members may remove their masks temporarily when recognized and that Members and staff will not be permitted to enter the Hall of the House without wearing a mask. Masks will be available at entry points for any Member who forgets to bring one. The Chair also reaffirmed that the Speaker has the authority to direct the Sergeant-at-Arms to remove a Member from the floor as a matter of decorum and the Chair views the failure to wear a mask as a serious breach of decorum.

07/29/20 6:03 PM H.R. 7027

POSTPONED PROCEEDINGS - The Chair put the question on passage, and by voice vote, the ayes prevailed. Ms. Foxx demanded the yeas and nays and the Chair postponed further proceedings on passage of H.R. 7027 until a time to be announced.

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