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Senate committees schedule archive

04/28/09 2:30 PM

Location : SD-430
Hearings to examine individual state experiences with health care reform coverage initiatives in the context of national reform.

Location : SD-342
Hearings to examine advancing America into the 21st Century and a digital future.

Location : S-407
Closed hearings to examine certain intelligence matters.

Location : SD-419
Hearings to examine the nomination of Harold Hongju Koh, of Connecticut, to be Legal Adviser of the Department of State.

Location : SD-226
Hearings to examine comprehensive immigration reform in 2009.

Location : SR-253
Hearings to examine the future of national surface transportation policy.

04/28/09 2:15 PM

Location : SD-419
Hearings to examine the nomination of Harold Hongju Koh, of Connecticut, to be Legal Adviser of the Department of State.

04/28/09 1:00 PM

Location : SD-138
Hearings to examine public health response to swine flu.

04/28/09 12:00 PM

Location : S-216
Business meeting to consider the nominations of Ronald C. Sims, of Washington, to be Deputy Secretary, Peter A. Kovar, of Maryland, to be Assistant Secretary for Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs, Helen R. Kanovsky, of Maryland, to be General Counsel, and John D. Trasvina, of California, to be Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, all of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, David S. Cohen, of Maryland, to be Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorist Financing, and Fred P. Hochberg, of New York, to be President of the Export-Import Bank of the United States.

04/28/09 10:30 AM

Location : SR-253
Hearings to examine formaldehyde in textiles and consumer products.

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