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Senate committees schedule archive

04/20/16 5:00 PM

Location : SVC-217
To receive a closed briefing on an Administration update on the Mosul Dam.

04/20/16 2:30 PM

Location : SD-562
Hearings to examine our complex tax code and the economy.

Location : SR-222
Hearings to examine the current state of research, diagnosis, and treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury.

04/20/16 2:15 PM

Location : SR-301
Hearings to examine the nomination of Carla D. Hayden, of Maryland, to be Librarian of Congress.

04/20/16 2:00 PM

Location : SR-232A
Hearings to examine Navy and Marine Corps aviation programs in review of the Defense Authorization Request for fiscal year 2017 and the Future Years Defense Program.

04/20/16 10:45 AM

Location : SD-124
Hearings to examine proposed budget estimates and justification for fiscal year 2017 for the Environmental Protection Agency.

04/20/16 10:30 AM

Location : SD-608
Hearings to examine restoring stability to government operations.

Location : SD-192
Hearings to examine proposed budget estimates and justification for fiscal year 2017 for Defense innovation and research.

04/20/16 10:15 AM

Location : SR-253
Hearings to examine the state of the United States maritime industry, focusing on stakeholder perspectives.

Location : SD-215
Business meeting to consider an original bill to prevent identity theft and tax refund fraud, and an original bill entitled, "Taxpayer Protection Act of 2016".

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