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Opinion Leaders


Organization's Own Description:

Opinion Leaders are the everyday individuals in our society whose minority population size (only 1 in 10) still influence us on politics, business, social, environmental and healthcare/pharmaceutical issues.

Why we like Opinion Leaders?
As a target audience, these Opinion Leaders are more likely than the majority of the population to spread their experiences, believes, or product endorsements. These Influentials are sometimes called “multipliers” because they can spread messages virally so fast.

Our proven advertising system targets the opinion leaders who can take your message and connect it with their spheres of influence.

Think of it as the spark that ignites true word of mouth reach.

Subscribers to LegiStorm Pro see the full address information for Opinion Leaders. Click here to see more LegiStorm Pro benefits and subscribe, or to your Pro account.


Subscribers to LegiStorm Pro see those people in our database known to work for Opinion Leaders. Click here to see more LegiStorm Pro benefits and subscribe, or to your Pro account.