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Formal name: Software Education Foundation


Organization's Own Description:

Every day, software unlocks new insights from the world around us and brings to life the devices and services that enrich our lives. And with each innovation, our ability to stay ahead of – and plan for – the future becomes more challenging.
We launched – an independent and nonpartisan international research organization – to help policymakers and the broader public better understand the impact that software has on our lives, our economy, and our society. We believe that by working together to examine these issues we can better prepare for the future and help inform government policies and industry culture that will promote both technological advancement and widespread growth.
At the same time, will work to empower the workforce of the future and to help policymakers, stakeholders, and the technology industry itself look forward and prepare for the world of tomorrow.

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Trips the BSA Foundation paid for trips taken by congressional travelers. In this section, LegiStorm Pro users can see summaries of who took those trips and where they went. Click here to see more LegiStorm Pro benefits and subscribe, or to your Pro account.


Subscribers to LegiStorm Pro see those people in our database known to work for the BSA Foundation. Click here to see more LegiStorm Pro benefits and subscribe, or to your Pro account.