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King's College (New York, N.Y.)

Formal name: The King's College (New York, N.Y.)


Organization's Own Description:

The King’s College seeks ambitious students who want to make a difference in the world. The college aims to contribute to American society by producing graduates who command the important intellectual traditions, who think lucidly about the social and political issues that confront them today, who write with force and flair, who speak with eloquence, and who are eager to exchange ideas in open debate with those who espouse different views.  read more

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Lobbying and Foreign Representation

King's College (New York, N.Y.) has lobbied the U.S. government. LegiStorm Pro users can see summaries of that lobbying activity. Click here to see more LegiStorm Pro benefits and subscribe, or to your Pro account.


Subscribers to LegiStorm Pro see those people in our database known to have been educated at King's College (New York, N.Y.). This list can be valuable for networking purposes. Click here to see more LegiStorm Pro benefits and subscribe, or to your Pro account.