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House Floor Ticker Archive

02/09/11 5:58 PM

The House adjourned. The next meeting is scheduled for 10:00 a.m. on February 10, 2011.

On motion to adjourn Agreed to by voice vote.

Mr. Thompson (PA) moved that the House do now adjourn.

02/09/11 5:57 PM

ADJUSTED WHOLE NUMBER OF THE HOUSE - Under clause 5(d) of rule 20, the Chair announces to the House that, in light of the resignation of the gentleman from New York, Mr. Lee, the whole number of the House is 434.

The House received a communication from Representative Lee (NY) wherein he resigns as a member of the House of Representatives effective at 5:00 p.m. on February 9, 2011.

02/09/11 3:51 PM

SPECIAL ORDER SPEECHES - The House resumed with Special Order Speeches.

02/09/11 3:50 PM

Mr. Dreier filed a report from the Committee on Rules on H. Res. 79.

02/09/11 3:02 PM

SPECIAL ORDER SPEECHES - The House resumed with Special Order Speeches.

02/09/11 3:00 PM

Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe - Pursuant to 22 U.S.C. 3003, and the order of the House of January 5, 2011, the Speaker appointed Mr. Burgess of Texas .

02/09/11 2:12 PM

SPECIAL ORDER SPEECHES - The House has concluded all anticipated legislative business and has proceeded to Special Order speeches.

02/09/11 2:06 PM

H. Res. 78:

electing certain Members to certain standing committees of the House of Representatives

02/09/11 2:06 PM

ONE MINUTE SPEECHES - The House proceeded with further one minute speeches.

02/09/11 2:05 PM

Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.

On agreeing to the resolution Agreed to without objection.

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