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House Floor Ticker Archive

02/06/20 10:01 PM

The House adjourned. The next meeting is scheduled for 9:00 a.m. on February 7, 2020.

02/06/20 10:01 PM

On motion to adjourn Agreed to by voice vote.

02/06/20 10:01 PM

Mr. Flores moved that the House do now adjourn.

02/06/20 9:41 PM

SPECIAL ORDER SPEECHES - The House has concluded all anticipated legislative business and has proceeded to Special Order speeches.

02/06/20 9:40 PM

Board of Visitors to the United States Coast Guard Academy - Pursuant to 14 U.S.C. 1903(b), and the order of the House of January 3, 2019, the Speaker appointed Mr. Thompson, Mississippi.

02/06/20 9:40 PM

Board of Trustees of Gallaudet University - Pursuant to 20 U.S.C. 4303, and the order of the House of January 3, 2019, the Speaker appointed the following member of the House to the Board of Trustees of Gallaudet University: Ms. Shalala.

02/06/20 9:20 PM

ONE MINUTE SPEECHES - The House proceeded with further one minute speeches.

02/06/20 9:19 PM

MOMENT OF SILENCE - The House observed a moment of silence in honor of the late Rep. Pete Stark.

02/06/20 9:16 PM H. Res. 826

Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.

02/06/20 9:16 PM H. Res. 826

On agreeing to the resolution Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (Roll no. 51).

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