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Senate committees schedule archive

07/22/09 10:00 AM

Location : SR-418
Hearings to examine the nominations of Raymond M. Jefferson, of Hawaii, to be Assistant Secretary of Labor for Veterans' Employment and Training, and Joan M. Evans, of Oregon, to be an Assistant Secretary of Veterans Affairs for Congressional and Legislative Affairs.

Location : SD-106
Hearings to examine the semiannual monetary policy report to the Congress.

Location : SD-406
Hearings to examine the nomination of Samuel D. Hamilton, of Mississippi, to be Director of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior.

Location : SR-325
Hearings to examine the role of agriculture and forestry in global warming legislation.

07/22/09 9:00 AM

Location : SD-419
Hearings to examine the nominations of Samuel Louis Kaplan, of Minnesota, to be Ambassador to the Kingdom of Morocco, James B. Smith, of New Hampshire, to be Ambassador to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Kenneth E. Gross, Jr., of Virginia, to be Ambassador to the Republic of Tajikistan, Miguel Humberto Diaz, of Minnesota, to be Ambassador to the Holy See, Fay Hartog-Levin, of Illinois, to be Ambassador to the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and Stephen J. Rapp, of Iowa, to be Ambassador at Large for War Crimes Issues, all of the Department of State.

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