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Senate committees schedule archive

12/09/09 10:00 AM

Location : SH-216
An oversight hearing to examine the Department of Homeland Security.

Location : SD-419
Hearings to examine the new Afghanistan strategy, focusing on the view from the ground.

12/09/09 9:30 AM

Location : SR-418
Hearings to examine the nominations of Robert A. Petzel, of Minnesota, to be Under Secretary for Health, and Raul Perea-Henze, of New York, to be Assistant Secretary for Policy and Planning, both of the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Location : SD-342
Hearings to examine five years after the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act, focusing on stopping terrorist travel.

Location : SD-628
Business meeting to consider pending calendar business; to be immediately followed by a hearing to examine S.1690, to amend the Act of March 1, 1933, to transfer certain authority and resources to the Utah Dineh Corporation; to be immediately followed by an oversight hearing to examine Department of the Interior backlogs.

12/09/09 9:15 AM

Location : SD-628
Hearings to examine S.1690, to amend the Act of March 1, 1933, to transfer certain authority and resources to the Utah Dineh Corporation; to be immediately followed by an oversight hearing to examine Department of the Interior backlogs.

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