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Senate committees schedule archive

10/30/19 2:30 PM

Location : SVC-217
To receive a closed briefing on Department of Defense cyber operations.

Location : SD-226
Hearings to examine promoting the useful arts, focusing on how Congress can prevent the issuance of poor quality patents.

Location : SD-608
Hearings to examine the Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990.

Location : SD-342
Hearings to examine the unauthorized and unaccountable government.

10/30/19 2:00 PM

Location : SD-215
Hearings to examine Medicaid, focusing on compliance with eligibility requirements.

Location : SD-608
Hearings to examine the Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990.

Location : SD-226
Hearings to examine promoting the useful arts, focusing on how Congress can prevent the issuance of poor quality patents.

10/30/19 1:45 PM

Location : SD-342
Hearings to examine the unauthorized and unaccountable government.

10/30/19 10:00 AM

Location : SD-406
Hearings to examine the nomination of Sean O'Donnell, of Maryland, to be Inspector General, Environmental Protection Agency.

Location : SD-419
Hearings to examine the nomination of John Joseph Sullivan, of Maryland, to be Ambassador to the Russian Federation, Department of State.

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